Charlie's Black Pudding (San Fernando and Woodbrook Trinidad)

Anywhere there is good food then there is a good lime 'chill' in Trinidad. Well let me rephrase that and talk the truth, anywhere there is sweet women there is a good 'lime' in Trinidad. I'm not sure if we like our belly more or like to engage in the beauty of a Trinidadian man or woman more. Do you know? Leave me a comment below. Go figure!
Anyways, back to the matter at hand. Oh yes ... Charlie's Black Pudding. Now as a child I ate this dish and I remembered it to be tasty, however, as I grew older I noticed my mother never partake whenever my father bought it for us. One day I asked her why and lets just say after she said these two words .... pig blood.... I myself stopped. But do not be fooled it is indeed tasty. My father carried us to this place when my siblings and I were younger ... and guess what ... they're still living up to this day. Enjoy it with a hops bread or two. Charlie's Black Pudding can be found in Woodbrook and San Fernando. I hope you're eager to try. Whats your experience with black pudding? Do you like it?

1 comment:

  1. I am Mariam,from what I can read. It has been sad news and scam to everyone about Voodoo casters or so. But to me they are so real because one worked for me not quite long ago.i met this man on a blog his name is Dr Abalaka is a very powerful man.I traveled down to where his shrine his and we both did the ritual and sacrifice.he had no website yet but he promised to create one as costumers are requesting for it, and now i'm free from the powders of sickness.I don't know about you but Voodoo is real;love marriage,finance, job promotion ,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,diabetic voodoo,hypertensive voodoo,high cholesterol voodoo,Trouble in marriage,Barrenness(need a child),Luck, Money Spells,he also cure any cancer and HIV,it's all he does. I used my money to purchase everything he used he never collected a dime from. He told me I can repay him anytime with anything from my heart. Now I don't know how to do that. If you can help or you need his help write him on ( and also his cell number: 760-935-3804 you can text him because he use to be very busy some times,i believe that your story will change for better,or if you have any question you can contact me here as best of luck.
